Dean Von is Hard at It in the Studio

Dean has been busy and when I mean busy, I mean busy. Not only is the talented artist is recording weekly podcast shows for the Dean Von Music Podcast Show. Futhermore he is back in the studio recording a new song.

Back in the Studio Again

I for one have been listening from the beginning, and I can tell you that this new tune is awesome. A slight departure from what we usually hear from the recording artist in Las Vegas, but as usual another amazing song.

For those that don’t know Dean does everything himself when he goes into the studio. I love his process. Sometimes he starts with the guitar while other times he is at the keyboard. Whatever he does he is always making magic.

The Dean Von Music Podcast Show

If you have been following the Blog, which I hope you do, you will remember that the Dean Von Music Podcast Show is live every Tuesday at 6:00 pm PST. The live show is released to all of the streaming sites.

For those that missed the live show on Tuesday the 24th of this month, you will be able to see the edited version featuring Jeremy Penick.

Like all of the Dean Von Music Podcast Shows, I was watching and listening. In my humble opinion, it was one of his best rock and roll podcast shows yet. Dan and Jeremy were animated and a lot of fun. Be sure and tune in to get the backstory behind a, “Broner,”

Dean Von Music Merch

Wherever you are in the world the seasons are changing. If you live in Australia you are in the middle of spring, if you are on this side of the equator fall is here.

Because the Dean Von Music Podcast Show is loved, watched and listened to in over 105 countries the designer creates merch for all seasons.

Get a hoodie if you are ready for a bonfire or grab a T. Those summer months can get hot. Whatever you do, grab something for yourself or start your Christmas shopping. Everyone loves a piece of Dean!

Subscribe and Listen

Don’t forget to subscribe and keep watching the Dean Von Music Podcast Show. It’s live every Tuesday night at 6:00 pm EST.